I Should Have Read That Book Tag

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Books I should have read, don’t get me started lol 😉 This tag was originally created by Beth from Books Nest and I saw it on Misty’s Book Space.


  1. Thank the person who tagged you, and link back to their post.
  2. Link to the creator’s blog.
  3. Answer the questions below.
  4. Tag 10 others to take part.
  5. ENJOY!

A book that a certain friend always tells you to read

Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)

First of all I don’t have friends who are bibliophiles like myself, however my oldest friend keeps saying I should read this book which a lot of people have either loved or hated. I highly doubt I’ll ever be interested in stuff like this and my friend I’m talking about dose like “sexy” things and when she does read she tends to read non-paranormal contemporary romance, the total opposite of what I tend to go for.

A book that has been on your TBR forever, and yet you still haven’t picked it up

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter #1)

I know, I know, I call myself a fantasy lover but haven’t read these books I am not worthy of the title bibliophile! 😉 I currently own all the books in this series and they have been sitting on my bookshelf for years gathering dust because library books always get prioritised and you know me, there are always too many of them for me to cope with. One of these days I’ll make it a goal to read all these books

homer simpson goals GIF

A book in a series you have started, but haven’t gotten round to finishing

The Pillars of Creation (Sword of Truth, #7)

There are so many series I need to finish and I don’t seem to be making a good job of my resolutions of this year to finish off more of those series, but the Sword of Truth series is one I would really like to get finished not because I’m merely curious but because it has to be one of the best fantasy series I’ve ever been introduced to. Like I say there are many series that could be put here but this is the one I look forward to finishing the most 🙂

A classic you have always liked the sound of, but never actually read


There are a few classics I would like to read one day but recently the classics I have read have turned out to not be as good as I hoped :/ This is one I will certainly read in time, I don’t know when but we read an excerpt for this in school and I remember being hooked. So yeah I don’t know why I haven’t read this already.

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet

I haven’t really watched any TV series or movies inspired by books as when I do watch TV it tends to be documentaries. I am interested in the Poldark series by Winston Graham which apparently has a TV show based on it and the Haunting of Hill House is a book II really want to read as well as many Stephen King novels. I don’t know whether I’ll ever take to watching TV dramas but never say never I guess 😛

A book you see all over Instagram, but haven’t picked up yet

The Priory of the Orange Tree

I’ll admit I haven’t been on Instagram for books in a while but everywhere online I keep seeing this one for some reason and on reading the description I have now added it to my TBR. Hope its as good as my GR friends say it is.

you can do it thumbs up GIF

I tag any ten people who would like to give this tag a whirl! 🙂


One thought on “I Should Have Read That Book Tag

  1. Pingback: The Sunday Post #79 Stacking the Shelves #81 | Scaredy Engines End of Line Library

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